What Does Bubble Tea Taste Like?

Bubble tea is a popular drink that has been sweeping the world for the last few decades. The origins of bubble tea go all the way back to the 1980s and has since become an enjoyable treat in many countries, especially in Asia and North America thanks to its sweet, creamy, and sometimes fruity taste, as well as the chewy tapioca pearls that are added to it. But what does bubble tea taste like? Let’s find out!

What is bubble tea?

Bubble tea, also known as boba tea or pearl milk tea, is a popular Taiwanese drink that typically consists of a tea base (usually black or green tea), creamer or milk, sweetener, and tapioca pearls. The pearls, which are also called "boba," are usually small, chewy, and black or brown. The pearls are often added to the drink and can be sucked up through a thick straw along with the tea.

How does bubble tea taste? The drink is usually served cold and can be customized with a variety of toppings. There are different tastes available, from refreshing strawberry or mango, to classic pearl milk tea or matcha.

Popular options to choose from

Some of the most popular bubble tea flavors include:

  • Strawberry ice blended with lychee jelly - a refreshing and sweet drink that's perfect for those who love strawberry and cold drinks. The drink has a sweet and tangy flavor from the drink itself, with an unique texture and sweetness thanks to the lychee jelly.

  • Oreo ice blended with pearl - ideal for those who love sweet and decadent drinks, it has a rich and creamy flavor, with bits of Oreo pieces throughout the drink.

  • Wintermelon lemonade - a refreshing bubble tea flavor for those who want something light and citrusy. It's made by using lemonade and wintermelon syrup, and it has a slightly sweet taste. 

  • Mango green milk tea - if you're looking for something fruity and refreshing, this is a great choice. It's made by using green tea, creamer, and mango syrup. The drink has a delicate balance of sweetness and tartness, and the addition of the chewy tapioca pearls makes it even more delicious.

what does bubble tea taste like

Why should you try bubble tea?

How does bubble tea taste and why should you try it? It has a variety of flavors and textures that can be fun and exciting with both traditional drinks and special flavors. If you like the combination of milk tea with the chewy tapioca pearls or other toppings, you should definitely give it a go and spoil your taste buds.

Bubble tea is a refreshing and cooling drink, perfect during hot weather. However, it’s not just about the drink itself but also the unique toppings and add-ons. One of the must-try toppings is Sharetea fruit jam, which is made with real fruits and adds a burst of fruity flavor to any drink.

The takeaway

There are so many different bubble tea tastes and combinations to try, each with its own distinct flavor and texture. From classic pearl black milk tea to fruity flavors like mango green milk tea, everyone can find something to suit their taste. Whether you're looking for something light and refreshing or sweet and indulgent, our offer will surely meet your expectations. Don’t wait and check our menu to see for yourself!


Where to Get Boba Tea?


Some of the Most Popular Boba Tea Flavors You Must Try